Dress for Success: The Right Clothes for the Job Interview and the Frst Day at Work

Your first impression counts - and it starts before you've even said a word. Whether it's a job interview or your first day at work, the right outfit can make all the difference. In our latest blog post, you can find out how to score points with the right clothing and which dress code is popular in which industry. Get valuable tips on how to get started with style and self-confidence!


  1. Basic rules for the perfect job application outfit

  2. Clothing styles explained: business formal, business casual, smart casual 

  3. Why is the right clothing so important in a job interview? 

  4. Better overdressed or underdressed?

  5. Industry rules: What applies in which industry

  6. No-go clothing in a job interview

  7. Online job interview: Special features

  8. Tips for summer

  9. Tips for winter


Basic rules for the perfect job application outfit

a) Research the company's dress code

Before you decide on an outfit, find out about the company's dress code. Take a look at the website or social media presence to find out how the employees dress. If in doubt, you can also ask the company directly or follow the usual dress codes in the industry.

b) Ensure a good fit

Nothing looks more unprofessional than ill-fitting clothing. Make sure your outfit fits well - neither too tight nor too loose. A tailored suit or a well-cut skirt can work wonders. The same applies to technical professions: clothing should fit comfortably yet neatly.

c) Keep the colors subtle

In most cases, muted colors such as black, grey, blue or beige are a safe choice. Eye-catching patterns or bright colors can be distracting and often look inappropriate in a professional context.

d) Go for quality rather than quantity

It's worth investing in a few high-quality items of clothing that you can combine in a variety of ways. A good suit, a classic blazer or an elegant blouse can serve you well in many professional situations. It is also important to opt for durable, hard-wearing clothing in production.

e) Care and cleanliness are the be-all and end-all

Your outfit should always be clean, ironed and in perfect condition. Your shoes should also look well cared for - dirty or worn shoes can quickly leave a bad impression. 

f) Use accessories discreetly

Less is often more when it comes to accessories. A simple watch, discreet jewelry or a high-quality bag can stylishly round off your outfit without appearing too overloaded. In technical professions, accessories should also be practical and safe to avoid potential hazards.

g) Be yourself

Despite all the dress code requirements, it is important that you feel comfortable in your outfit and that it suits your personality. Authenticity radiates self-confidence and is perceived positively by your conversation partners.

Tip: Even if it's tempting to choose your outfit at the last minute, you should give yourself plenty of time to prepare!

Clothing styles explained: business formal, business casual, smart casual 

Choosing the right style of dress is often just as important as choosing the outfit itself. Depending on the industry, position and occasion, there are different dress codes that should be observed in order to make a good impression. While business formal stands for the highest degree of professionalism, business casual and smart casual offer more scope for comfort and individual style - but always within the framework of professionalism. By informing yourself about the expectations of the respective industry and situation, you can ensure that you are dressed appropriately in any environment.

Business Formal

Business Formal is the most formal dress code in business and is expected in conservative industries such as finance, law or for important business meetings and events. This style is characterized by clean, classic lines and a subtle colour palette.

For men:

  • Dark, well-fitting suit (usually in black, dark blue or dark gray)
  • White or light blue shirt
  • Simple, classic tie (in subtle colors and patterns)
  • Leather shoes in black or dark brown, well polished
  • Discreet accessories such as a high-quality watch or cufflinks

For women:

  • Dark suit or trouser suit (in black, dark blue or dark gray)
  • Classic blouse in white or pastel shades
  • Closed, simple pumps in black or dark brown
  • Discreet jewelry and neat handbag

Tip: Business formal is all about making a serious and respectful impression. Quality and fit play a decisive role.

Business Casual

Business casual is a less formal dress code than business formal and is often used in office environments that encourage a more casual, yet professional style of dress. It combines a professional look with more comfort and a touch of personality.

For men:

  • Dark cloth pants or chinos, no suit required
  • Shirt without a tie, often in light colors or with a subtle pattern
  • Sweater or sporty blazer possible
  • Leather shoes or clean loafers, lace-up shoes are also acceptable

For women:

  • Cloth trousers or a knee-length skirt, no obligation to wear a suit
  • Blouse, possibly with a subtle pattern or color, an elegant top is also possible
  • Flat shoes or pumps, depending on your preference
  • Optional: a cardigan or blazer to complete the outfit

Tip: Business casual allows you to show off your personal style without leaving the professional setting. Combine comfort with a smart look.

Smart Casual

Smart casual is the most relaxed of the three categories and combines elegant clothing with a more casual style. This dress code is widely used in creative professions, in start-ups or at informal business meetings and events. There is more room for individuality here, but the look should still be neat and well thought out.

For men:

  • Dark jeans or chinos, well-fitting and without rips or washed-out areas
  • Shirt or a stylish polo shirt
  • Blazer or sporty jacket to complement, if required
  • Clean, fashionable shoes (e.g. Chelsea boots or stylish sneakers)

For women:

  • Dark jeans or an elegant skirt, combined with a fashionable blouse or a chic top
  • Stylish jacket or cardigan, depending on the occasion
  • Flat shoes, ankle boots or fashionable sneakers
  • Accessories can be a little more eye-catching as long as they don't look overloaded

Tip: Smart casual is perfect for making a fashionable and well-groomed impression while still feeling comfortable. Choose pieces that fit well and suit your personal style.

Why is the right clothing so important in a job interview? 

The outfit you choose for your job interview sends subtle messages about your professionalism, your personality and your respect for the job and the company. It's not just about looking good, it's about showing through your attire that you understand the company culture and can fit in.

Better overdressed than underdressed? 

The biggest uncertainty for many applicants: is it better to be overdressed or underdressed? The answer is: better overdressed. In most cases, it is better to make a slightly more formal impression than to appear too casual. However, if you are unsure, a quick research into the company culture or a call to the HR department will help.

Tip: If you opt for a classic business outfit, you are almost always right. A blazer or suit always looks professional.

Industry rules: What applies in which industry

Every industry has its own unwritten rules when it comes to dressing for a job interview. Your choice of outfit should be based on the customs of the industry in which you are applying. Your clothing should always reflect the culture of the respective industry. A conservative office job requires a different outfit than a creative position or a skilled trade. Finding out about the expectations of the industry and adapting your clothing accordingly will ensure you make the best first impression. Here's a closer look at the different industries and the appropriate clothing styles:

Classic office job

In classic office jobs - such as accounting, controlling or human resources - a well-groomed, professional appearance is the be-all and end-all. The best choice here is a suit or a suit in subtle colors such as dark blue, grey or black. The shirt or blouse should have a classic cut and not have any eye-catching patterns or colors.

Creative industry

In the creative industry - whether in advertising, design or fashion - things can be a little more relaxed and individual. Fashion experiments and an individual style are welcome here. Colors, patterns and modern cuts are fine as long as they are not overdone and still make a professional impression. A skillful mix of style and creativity is required here. 

Tip: Use your style to emphasize your creativity, but keep it professional. An eye-catching but tasteful accent such as a statement piece of jewelry or a special watch can round off the outfit perfectly.

Conservative industries

In conservative industries such as finance, law or insurance, classic business attire is mandatory. Here, it is advisable to leave no leeway when choosing an outfit. A suit or suit jacket is the best choice, usually complemented by a discreet tie for men or inconspicuous accessories for women. Colors should be restrained and classic, such as dark blue, black or gray.

Tip: In conservative industries, avoid fashion experiments and eye-catching colors at all costs. Classic and discreet is the key to success here.


Anyone applying for a management position should radiate authority and professionalism with their clothing. A well-fitting, high-quality suit or an elegant suit are the right choice here. Great importance should also be attached to details such as high-quality shoes and accessories, as they often make a subtle but decisive difference.

Tip: Your outfit should convey strength and competence without being overbearing. High-quality materials and a clear line underline your professional standards.

Technical professions and engineers

In technical professions and engineering, a functional and professional appearance is often important. Suits are not always compulsory here, but neat, simple clothing is important. Men can score points with well-fitting trousers and a shirt, while women are right with a blouse and smart trousers or a discreet skirt.

Tip: Make sure your outfit is practical and comfortable, but still looks professional. Functional clothing can be important in everyday working life, but should not be your first choice for a job interview.

Sales and marketing

In sales and marketing, your appearance is particularly important as you are often in direct contact with customers and represent the company. Your outfit should therefore be professional as well as appealing and modern. A business casual look is often the best choice here: a smart blazer or suit with fashionable accents, combined with a stylish tie or an elegant scarf.

Tip: Your outfit should radiate confidence and competence, but also show a certain flair for trends. Make sure you have a modern, well-groomed look.

Craft trades

Job interviews in the skilled trades are often a little more relaxed, but the outfit should still be smart and respectful. Here it is rarely necessary to appear in a suit. Instead, clean jeans or trousers and a neat shirt or polo shirt are often sufficient. Women can choose plain trousers and a blouse or a discreet sweater.

Tip: Show with your outfit that you can also appear professional away from the workshop without appearing overly formal.

No-go clothing in a job interview

There are a few items of clothing and styles you should avoid at all costs:

  • Clothing that is too revealing: a neckline that is too low or skirts and shorts that are too short are an absolute no-no.
  • Garish make-up and over-the-top accessories: less is more.
  • Hoodies, T-shirts with prints and ripped jeans: these are inappropriate even in the most creative industries.

Tip: Avoid anything that distracts from your skills and personality. Your outfit should support you, not dominate you.

Online job interview: Special features

The same rules apply in an online interview as in a face-to-face interview, but pay particular attention to the background. A restless or messy background can distract from the main point.

Tip: Test the lighting and camera quality in advance. Wear colors that make you stand out from the background and make sure your face is well lit.

Tips for summer

Choosing the right outfit in summer can be a challenge. Lightweight fabrics such as cotton or linen are ideal as they are breathable. Women can go for a light dress or blouse with a skirt, while men should opt for an unlined suit.

Tip: Avoid colors that are too light, as sweat stains are more visible on them.

Tips for winter

In winter, the so-called onion look is ideal - wear several layers on top of each other to stay warm during your journey. This way, you can take off your outer layers on site and still make an elegant first impression.

Tip: Remember to clean your shoes before entering the interview room, especially in slushy or rainy weather.

Conclusion: With the right outfit, you not only signal professionalism, but also respect towards your potential employer. Prepare carefully and remember: your clothing style should emphasize your competence and personality - not detract from it. Good luck at your next job interview!
