Process Optimization in Assembling at weba: A Step Towards the Future

Olomouc, Czech Republic - Structured, standardized and specialized - the fundamental reorganization of tool assembly at weba Werkzeugbau brings remarkable advantages in terms of time and quality. With the introduction of clocked flow production, the highly manual work steps in tool assembly had to be fundamentally rethought. However, the structures and processes that had developed over the years and the previous spatial and organizational possibilities at the Olomouc production plant left little room for an ideally designed assembly flow.

The expansion of the site therefore provided the perfect framework for adapting production to the size of the company and the increased operational capacities. The aim was to achieve remarkable improvements in terms of time, quality and costs through systematic process optimization and greater efficiency. To achieve this, all relevant processes were critically examined and an industrial assembly concept with elements of flow production and employee specialization was developed.

Lean production: the key to efficiency

Lean production, a philosophy that focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing added value, played a central role in this process. In line with these principles, the definition of the process and individual activities in standardized assembly workstations was primarily based on a well thought-out use of resources, extensive waste minimization as well as route and search time optimization.

The result is rationally organized assembly with defined work steps, transparent processes, short transport routes, nearby storage areas and an ideal material flow. These measures lead to an increase in productive assembly times while at the same time complying with the required quality and safety standards.

Advantages of the new assembly cells

The arrangement of the assembly cells was chosen with the sequence of process steps and future interlinking in mind. This ensures that each step flows seamlessly into the next, which further increases efficiency. Manufactured and purchased parts are pre-picked on a project-specific basis and only what is relevant for the respective process step is provided. This reduces warehousing and makes material management considerably easier.

The restructuring of tool assembly in Olomouc is a successful example of the successful application of lean production principles. Clocked flow production, combined with employee specialization and efficient use of resources, enables weba Werkzeugbau to shorten production times, improve quality and reduce costs at the same time. These optimizations ensure that weba will remain a leading supplier in the automotive industry in the future, offering its customers innovative and high-quality solutions.

About weba

weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist in the development and manufacture of cold and hot forming tools for the automotive industry. With headquarters in Dietach, Austria, and a major site in Olomouc, Czech Republic, weba combines state-of-the-art technology with in-depth expertise. More than 300 qualified employees are committed to delivering innovative and customized solutions for renowned OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. weba's corporate philosophy is characterized by a strong customer focus and a high level of quality awareness, which ensures sustainable success on the global market.

Corporate Management