weba's Step into the Future: Introduction of Paperless Production

Dietach, Steyr – weba Werkzeugbau, a leading specialist in the automotive industry for cold and hot forming tools, has taken a significant step towards increasing efficiency and sustainability. Since February 2007, the company has successfully opted for paperless production, establishing itself as a pioneer in the industry.

Focus on efficiency and the environment

The switch to paperless production not only optimizes production output, but also makes an important contribution to environmental protection. “Our paperless production shows how we can both increase our efficiency and reduce our environmental impact through innovative approaches,” explains Hannes Feuerhuber, CEO of weba Werkzeugbau.

Improved data management and transparency

Thanks to the implementation of modern software solutions, all relevant production data is now available centrally and electronically. This enables employees to react faster and more precisely to changes and challenges. Paperless production ensures better integration of all production processes, from planning to delivery. Every component is recorded digitally, making the entire production process more transparent and traceable.

Advantages for customers and employees

The introduction of paperless production brings numerous advantages. Customers benefit from shorter production times and greater flexibility. “Thanks to improved data management, we can respond even better to the individual requirements of our customers and react more quickly to market changes,” Feuerhuber continues.

For employees, the switch to paperless processes makes their day-to-day work much easier. Time-consuming and error-prone paper documentation is a thing of the past. Instead, employees can concentrate on their core competencies and make production even more efficient.

A sustainable future

With paperless production, weba Werkzeugbau is sending a clear signal for sustainability and resource conservation. “We are proud to be making an important contribution to environmental protection with this changeover and optimizing our production processes at the same time,” emphasizes Feuerhuber. The company is setting standards in the automotive industry and demonstrating how innovative approaches can be successfully implemented.

About weba Werkzeugbau

Since its foundation in 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist for hot forming and forming technology in the automotive industry. With over 300 highly qualified employees at two locations - Dietach (Austria) and Olomouc (Czech Republic) - weba offers innovative and customized solutions for OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. The company is characterized by a high level of innovation and a future-oriented corporate philosophy. 


Corporate Management