Five Simple Steps to More Order and Greater Safety: The 5S Introduction at weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Austria - The automotive industry is known for its high quality standards, tight deadlines and customer-specific standards and regulations. However, the requirements continue to increase and inevitably lead to a continuous need for suppliers to adapt. In order to continue to meet these demanding expectations, weba Werkzeugbau not only constantly develops its products and technologies, but also continuously optimizes the daily workflow in terms of quality and costs.

Demand-oriented optimization of the production process and ensuring smooth workflows improve performance in the long term and thus consolidate the company's success. On this basis, weba Werkzeugbau continuously identifies and consistently implements potential for improvement. One of the optimization measures implemented is the introduction of the 5S method in production. Through sensible, structured reorganization within the process sequences, the well-known concept creates greater work and process safety as well as an increased awareness of quality and efficiency requirements.

What is the 5S method?

The 5S method originally comes from Japan and stands for five Japanese terms that translate as sorting (seiri), systematizing (seiton), shine (seiso), standardizing (seiketsu) and self-discipline (shitsuke). The aim is to optimize workplaces and working environments in order to increase efficiency and safety.

The five steps of the 5S method:

  1. Sort (Seiri): Separation of needed and unneeded items. Everything that is not needed is removed.
  2. Set in order/Systematizing (Seiton): The remaining items are organized and arranged sensibly to improve the flow of work.
  3. Shine (Seiso): Regularly cleaning workstations to maintain an orderly and safe condition.
  4. Standardize (Seiketsu): Developing standards and routines to maintain the first three steps.
  5. Self-discipline/Sustain (Shitsuke): Promoting and maintaining the new standards through continuous training and discipline.

The introduction of the 5S method at weba Werkzeugbau

To introduce the project at weba Werkzeugbau, individual implementation steps were defined and the employees were divided into teams, where they worked together on the projects assigned to them as well as on the structured design of their own workplace and working environment. Each team was assigned a responsible project manager, who ensured the results-oriented implementation of the improvement measures in the respective area.

The project was based on four months of training for the teams, which was accompanied by external experts in several pilot areas and workshops. The definition of standards regarding the form, location and quantity of tools or aids at the individual workstations significantly simplifies daily work processes. In addition, standardized procedures and fixed processes make it easier to concentrate on the essentials in the process chain, namely the value-adding activities.

The color coding of the different production areas and the labeling of the associated tools and work equipment with the corresponding color codes ensure that the defined standards are maintained at all times. By introducing regular team meetings in which further suggestions for improvement are discussed in detail and implementation measures are prioritized and planned, all optimization potential and ideas can be exploited.

The method was initially introduced at the two European production sites and will gradually be rolled out globally. By implementing the 5S method, weba Werkzeugbau is not only underlining its commitment to continuous improvement and high quality standards, but also its focus on the safety and efficiency of its work processes. In this way, weba remains a reliable partner for its customers in the automotive industry and ensures that the high expectations will continue to be met in the future.

About weba Werkzeugbau

weba Werkzeugbau is a leading specialist in the development and manufacture of cold and hot forming tools for the automotive industry. With its headquarters in Dietach, Austria, and an important location in Olomouc, Czech Republic, weba combines state-of-the-art technology with comprehensive expertise. Over 300 dedicated employees work to deliver innovative and customized solutions for renowned OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. weba's corporate philosophy emphasizes strong customer orientation and a high level of quality awareness, which ensures sustainable success on the global market.

Corporate Management